Monthly archive January, 2014

More Pa’i’ai: Green Onion Chili Oil Biscuits and Pa’i’ai Crackers
Fresh Pa’i’ai on Ti Leaves Before the holidays, I wrote about the traditional pounded taro called Pa’i’ai, from Mana Ai. We enjoyed mini pa’i’ai pizzas, and some wonderfully chewy, satisfying pa’i’ai tortillas. The pa’i’ai also made some very tasty biscuits and crackers which I’m sharing today. Although pa’i’ai can last for months at room temperature,...

Happy New Year!
The first day of 2014 was a gorgeous sunny day here. Too bad a long, lingering cold bug has been making its way through our household. A good bone broth with vegetables, and toasted mochi to the rescue! Not quite ozoni soup, but very, very good! Can’t forget a little drizzle of shoyu-sugar sauce over...