Instant Potato Veggie Soup Packets
It’s been rain, rain, rain in the whole state of California for weeks–definitely soup weather. Laurel, who’s away at college, requested I send her more soup packets to make in her dorm room. Last year I made her some Kale and Chickpea Soup Packets, which she and her friends loved. So I thought I’d stir...

Chickpea Kale Soup Packets
Some get well sunshine for my sweetie~ It’s hard being away from your child when they’re sick. Only last month we settled Laurel in at college, and already she texted me that she’s sick. Something’s going around in the dorms now. Oh how I wish I could make her a big pot of soup and...

Icy Orange Hemp Dream
Summer is definitely here! Stay cool with this refreshing slush reminiscent of an Orange Julius, but better. Hemp seeds add creaminess and a slight nutty flavor, along with a good dose of protein as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Use calcium fortified orange juice concentrate to bump up the nutrition factor even more. Enjoy~ Icy Orange...

Strawberry Vanilla Dragonfruit Soup (Cold)
Dragonfruit are such unusual and stunning looking fruits. The red fleshed ones make a beautiful pink colored dragonfruit smoothie. I found some great white fleshed ones here at Grocery Outlet of all places, and they were a steal at only $1.50 each. Normally at other stores they run $4-$6 each. Couldn’t resist such a great deal, so...

Kitchen Sink Slushies
Tis the time of year for slushies, slushies, slushies! We’ve already had some near 100 degree days here, and more are certain to come. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know how we love slushies here, especially Ice Cream Slushies. But what if you upgrade the scoop of vanilla ice cream...

Probiotic Punch with Coconut Milk Snowflakes
‘Tis the season to think about making Holiday Sherbet Punch for our New Year’s celebration. This year, the standard punch formula of (juice + soda + sherbet) will be slightly different, but still very delicious. Unfortunately, as the years add up, my digestion just isn’t what it used to be. One thing I’ve found that has...

Drinks to Cool Down and Celebrate With
With the heat wave of 100+ degree days, I thought I’d re-share some of my other favorite slushie drinks to cool down with, other than our recent favorite, Haupia Slushie. It’s about time to make those haupia stars to celebrate the fourth of July with this Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie with Blueberries and Haupia Stars. Honey-Lemon,...

Haupia Slushie
If you like coconut and haupia, you will love this slushie. Nothing will make you think more being in the warm Hawaiian sunshine than a tall glass of haupia slush. Price comparison: Thai Kitchen (12 oz canned) $2-3; Tropics (16 oz frozen, from Asian market) $1.50; Hawaiian Sun (12 oz frozen, from Oto’s) close...

Vanilla Flax Milk Float with Hibiscus Tea Gels
Remember my Peach Rooibos Almond Float? Well, this is my newest favorite: Good Karma’s Vanilla Flax Milk poured over tea gels. It’s so refreshing and filled with good stuff for you! Start off by melting in some unflavored gelatin or agar agar powder into some hibiscus tea, Tangerine Hibiscus Tea Juice, or any other lightly...

Tangerine Hibiscus Tea Juice
With flu season in full swing across the country, I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather lately. The cold I’ve been fighting off for the past couple of weeks has finally burst towards the side I’ve been trying to avoid. Lot of fluids have been in order for me, especially herb teas. I love...

Holiday Sherbet Punch
Once a year, at Christmas or New Year’s, we have this sherbet punch that my mom used to make for all our holiday dinners and special events. Really simple: 1/2 gallon sherbet, 1/2 gallon juice, and 2 (2 liter) bottles of ginger ale. I think Cole was about ten or eleven years old when I...

Greek Yogurt Slushies
The heat has finally died down and today the temperature is expected to only reach 80 degrees. Yes!!!! The past four days of temperatures in the 94 to 98 degree range has been, well, too hot. It feels strange seeing pumpkins and fall decorations in the stores when the weather is so hot. I’ve been...