Happy Hump Day! Sock Animal Mania!
I just thought I’d share some pictures with you to brighten your day today with these cuties~ Laurel spent hours making these for her high school senior project. She wanted to donate them to somewhere that benefits kids, so she is donating them to Lilu to sell at their annual fashion bag show on May...

Happy Holidays!
Cami, with her own tiered tray of peanut butter biscuits~ Wishing you peace and joy this holiday season!

It’s been a bit quiet here on the blog lately. I’ve been stepping back a bit– trying to enjoy life without frenzy, and really appreciating the last few years with my children before they go off to new adventures. The camellias are in full bloom. Their blossoms, so beautiful on the bushes. But when I...

Happy New Year!
The first day of 2014 was a gorgeous sunny day here. Too bad a long, lingering cold bug has been making its way through our household. A good bone broth with vegetables, and toasted mochi to the rescue! Not quite ozoni soup, but very, very good! Can’t forget a little drizzle of shoyu-sugar sauce over...

Merry Christmas!
Look who came to visit us! This is Cami. We had this squeaky toy Christmas Pie, and doggie treats all ready for her under the tree. She was so patient waiting to be given permission to touch her pie. Boy did she go nuts over the squeaky Christmas pie! She’s taking a break to hug...

Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you to all of you who come here to share in my recipes and adventures. I appreciate all your comments and encouragement! I am grateful to live in the Farm-to Fork Capital, where we have access to an abundance of fresh fruits, and vegetables, and food. And I am especially grateful for the love...

Boys’ Day Treats from Osaka-Ya
Boys’ Day (Tango no Sekku) is coming up on May 5th. It’s an originally Japanese holiday, now celebrated over much of Asia. In more recent years, Girls’ Day and Boy’s Day have been combined into one Children’s Day celebrated on May 5th. Our local Japanese confectionary shop, Osaka-ya, has been busy preparing the traditional treats...

A Cheery Afternoon Coffee
Seasonal allergies have been crazy bad for so many people this year. I’ve pretty much been medicated and keeping indoors as much as possible to cope with all the pollen in the air. All this sneezing, sniffling and congestion is pretty miserable stuff, so I thought I’d cheer myself up with some afternoon coffee– Paris...

Family Time at Scott’s Seafood on the River
“Leg shot” photo taken by Kallie We finally took some professional family portrait pictures today. I can’t believe the last formal one we took was ten years ago! Time has flown by. Laurel and Quill were in preschool and kindergarten last time. How did I let so much time go by without taking more family...

Reminiscing on Halloween
We did a lot of research on space aliens, Area 51, and Roswell several years ago, when Quill decided she liked aliens. We even made a trip to New Mexico and visited the Roswell UFO Museum. And yes, it was very cheesy. Whenever Quill likes something, she researches the subject matter thoroughly (unfortunately these subject...

Cole and Kallie make Ramen and Ippudo NYC
A few weeks ago, Cole and Kallie decided to go through the laborious task of making ramen broth from scratch for our family dinner. The ingredients included: 4 lbs pork trotters, 4 chicken carcasses (3 cooked, 1 raw), bones from 3 racks of baby back ribs (barbecued), 1 onion, 2 leeks, 15 cloves of garlic,...