Musings of a wife and mother, born and raised in Hawaii. Far away from home now, but creating and discovering bits of sunshine and paradise in everyday life.
Horlick's Malt Cookie Tablets

Horlick’s Malt Cookie Tablets

Scrapbook of Memories--Childhood Favorites: Superheroes and Candies Toys and candy -- two of the most memorable parts of childhood. Of course I had Barbies. My sister always kept her dolls neatly in their suitcase-like carrier, clothes and shoes neatly on, and any extra accessories neatly stowed away in their proper drawers. I, on the...
Guava Cream Cheese Custard Rolls

Guava Cream Cheese Custard Rolls

It's like a cream cheese danish with a touch of home. Simple and fun to make, and much quicker since you don't need to go to the trouble of making a yeast dough
Ice Cream Slushies

Ice Cream Slushies

So yesterday was actually this summer's 9th day of reaching 100 degrees or higher. Compared to the city average of 23 days of triple degree weather, that seems actually pretty good. It's been three hot weeks of school so far for my kids. Taking the bus and walking home in this kind of heat...
Pineapple Smoothie Freeze

Pineapple Smoothie Freeze

Last week was the first week back to school for Laurel and Quill, after a long, and relaxing summer. We really had quite a mild summer here, with I believe only a couple of days over 100 degrees. That is really unusual, and we enjoyed it! Well, the heat came with a vengeance, just in time...
Kahlua Leopard Mochi-- What is Your Temperament?

Kahlua Leopard Mochi– What is Your Temperament?

I felt my heart skip a beat, and my stomach drop a few roller coaster feet when my father-in-law asked me this question several months ago. Had I gotten upset and yelled at the kids too many times? Did he witness me in a less than stellar moment? Oh no, what did I do?
Teriyaki Mushroom Bison Burgers

Teriyaki Mushroom Bison Burgers

We love burgers. Something about warm weather and sunshine screams "Teri Burgers!"
Spicy Noodle Salad with Shrimp

Spicy Noodle Salad with Shrimp

Hmm… what should I  make for dinner on a hot summer day? I already had about a pound of cooked whole wheat pasta in my refrigerator. Ahh, a chilled noodle salad would be perfect! Mix the dressing together in a big bowl and toss in the noodles until they are well coated. Add a pound...
Cabernet Oxtail Stew

Cabernet Oxtail Stew

Instead of a traditional local style oxtail soup in a thin broth with peanuts, I wanted to try making oxtails in a thicker, savory stew. I started off by browning the meat, then onions, and covered it with about half a bottle of cabernet sauvignon, and added mushrooms.